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How to access your software and documentation entitlement tokens

Where do I find my entitlement tokens?

Steps for accessing your entitlement tokens

You will need to retrieve your entitlement tokens in order to access both Arqit software and documentation. 

You will need access to Arqit’s customer support portal to access your tokens. If you have not yet activated your account to our support portal, please follow the steps here to do so: How to activate your Arqit customer support portal account

  1. Navigate to the link above to retrieve your tokens. Your entitlement tokens are stored in Arqit’s customer support portal

  2. Search your knowledge base articles for ‘Entitlement Tokens’ and select the entitlement tokens knowledge article

  3. Identify the specific entitlement token for the product documentation or repository you need to access

Accessing documentation:

To access documentation, then navigate to the product specific documentation space and enter your entitlement token when prompted


Link to documentation site



Accessing software:

Follow the steps in the Install Guides from the documentation sites above, which outline how to access Arqit NetworkSecure or SKA (PI) package repository.

If you are having issues using your entitlement token, please ensure you have signed the EULA prior to attempting to use the token. You will be able to find more details on how to sign the EULA in the Install Guide. Please raise a Service Desk request if you are still experiencing issues. 

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